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Ashley River Bike and Pedestrian Bridge Retrofit


Project Details

The project aims to improve the regional bicycle and pedestrian network's infrastructure, including the West Ashley Greenway (10.5 miles), the West Ashley Bikeway (2.5 miles), and the Ashley River Walk in Downtown Charleston. Additionally, the project proposes constructing a new multi-use path, which is approximately 0.4 miles long, and a standalone bridge parallel to the existing Ashley River Bridges. This bridge will serve the bicyclist and pedestrian traffic between Downtown Charleston and West Ashley. The new bridge will be adjacent and parallel to the existing US 17 northbound bascule bridges that span the Ashley River. The bridge will include a moveable span over the navigation channel and a fixed approach span on either side of the channel. The project scope also includes improvements to the roadway approaches and adjacent intersections. 

Atlantic South coordinated the project development with all utilities that may be affected, including avoiding conflicts with utilities and minimizing impacts where conflicts could not be avoided. They utilized all available utility data, whether obtained from SUE services, as-built plans, or provided by the SCDOT or some other source. Atlantic South identified all utility conflict points and made recommendations for resolving the conflict. They also prepared a Utility Conflict Matrix to track each utility within the project limits during the project's life. Additionally, Atlantic South provided roadway improvement designs along Albemarle Road.


Charleston County Roadwise


Charleston, SC



Bridge Retrofit

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